Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

The NAPCA (National Asian Pacific Center for Aging) Senior Community Service Employment Program concentrates on serving limited and non-English speaking Asian and Pacific Islander older workers. The goal of SCSEP is to help participants gain work experience and overcome barriers by receiving on-the-job training at not-for-profit, 501(c)3 community-based organizations or government agencies. The dual purpose of the SCSEP program is to provide community service while also improving participants’ job skills to enable them to find full or part-time unsubsidized employment.

SCSEP Participants must:

  • be unemployed
  • be at least 55 years of age
  • be a U.S. citizen or legal resident
  • have a family income of no more than 25% above the Federal poverty guideline
  • reside in a county in which NAPCA is authorized to serve.

Participants train an average of 20 hours per week, and are paid according to Federal, State or local minimum wage, whichever is highest. Participants serve in a wide variety of community service assignments including day-care, childcare, senior centers, public libraries, social service agencies, and government offices. These community service assignments are meant to lessen the isolation faced by many immigrant older adults and lead to employment in positions that pay higher than minimum wage. Nationally, NAPCA serves over 1,200 older workers through the SCSEP program annually.

For more information, call 215-224-0358.