
Contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations are very important to our operations. They further our commitment to serve the Korean-American Community.

Your gifts enable us to continue and strengthen our medical clinic, as well as our social, cultural and home health care services. At the same time, we will also maintain our focus on the promotion of who Dr. Philip Jaisohn was and what he achieved as the first Korean-American. It is our mission to educate future generations of the important legacy he has left.


The easiest and most direct way to impact us is through a personal check made to:

The Jaisohn Foundation
6705 Old York Road
Philadelphia, PA 19126

Planned Gifts

Planned gifts enable you to create extraordinary gifts that preserve the future of Jaisohn, while protecting your assets or creating ways they can better benefit you. Planned Giving includes bequests, life-income plans, trusts and other options.

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Making a commemorative gift is a wonderful way to honor any special person in your life—parent, spouse, grandchild, friend—or any memorable occasion! Your gift can help keep Jaisohn growing, and the programs you love going strong.

Matching Gift

You can double your contribution to Jaisohn if your employer offers a corporate matching gift program. Check with your Human Resources department and pick up a form to include with your gift.


Jaisohn Foundation welcomes pledges payable over time (typically three to five years), which may enable you to give more generously than you originally considered. To acquire a pledge form or design a payout plan, please contact the president of Jaisohn at 215-224-2040.

Online Gifts