by jaisohnfoundation | Jun 13, 2018 | Bulletin Board
100년전 조국에서 3.1운동이 일어나자 서재필, 이승만 등 동포지도자와 미국인 150여명은 필라델피아 리틀극장에서 ‘제1차 한인회의(The First Korean Congress)’를 열어 한국독립의 정당성을 전세계에 알리고 시가행진을 벌였습니다. 국내 3.1운동은 일제탄압으로 지속이 어려웠지만, 미국에서는 ‘한국통신부’ 및 ‘한국친우회’ 등을 통해 이후 3년간이나 미국전역에 확산됨으로써 훗날 한국독립의 밑거름이 되었습니다. (“미국에서의...
by jaisohnfoundation | Jun 11, 2018 | Bulletin Board
2018 Call for Jaisohn Scholarship Awards Application The Philip Jaisohn Foundation is very pleased to invite scholarship applications from Korean-American students who exemplify academic excellence and dedication to healthcare, leadership and services to their...
by jaisohnfoundation | May 23, 2018 | Bulletin Board
Jaisohn Center Medical Clinic Pediatrician Search Philip Jaisohn Memorial Foundation operates the Jaisohn Centers in 2 locations and these sites have medical clinic as a part of ouroverall operations including home health care (skilled), home care, mental health...
by jaisohnfoundation | Apr 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
About us The Philip Jaisohn Memorial Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit health and human service organization created in 1975. The Foundation’s mission is to promote and fulfill Dr. Philip Jaisohn ideals of humanity through medical, home health care...