
2017 Call for Jaisohn Scholarship Awards Applications

The Philip Jaisohn Foundation is very pleased to invite scholarship applications from Korean-American students who exemplify academic excellence, dedication to healthcare, leadership and services to their schools and communities. The scholarships are for those who pursue the fields of medical, nursing, social service, and journalism. It is the 19th year the Jaisohn Foundation has granted scholarships to university students who need financial help.

The Scholarships are in several categories: Helen Lee Scholarship, Bong Hak Hyun Memorial Scholarship, Jane Song Memorial Scholarship of Nursing, Hack Ryang Chung Leadership Scholarship, Tae Won Suh Journalism Scholarship, Jay Lee Social Service Scholarship, Daniel Yun Medical Scholarship and Jeong Hee Kweon Hope Scholarship. To be eligible for Scholarships, the applicant must be an undergraduate or graduate student as of September 2017, who fits the qualification for each scholarship specified below, and is in need of financial support for their education. Please indicate clearly in your application which of the following scholarships you are applying for:

Helen Lee Scholarship: 2 recipients, $2,000 each
This scholarship, sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Manual M.. Lee MD,  is given to two students who need financial support for their education desperately.

Bong Hak Hyun Memorial Scholarship: 2 recipients, $1,500 each

This scholarship is for two students who are planning a career in healthcare and the medical field with evidence of potential, passion and leadership.


Jane Song Memorial Scholarship of Nursing: 1 recipient, $2,000

This scholarship is for a nursing student who is studying to be a registered nurse or to pursue a career in the area of “patient care” upon graduation.


H.R. Chung MD Leadership Scholarshiprecipient, $1,500

The scholarship is given to a student who has shown excellence in leadership in such a variety of activities as extracurricular activities, varsity sports, and community activities.
Tae Won Suh Journalism Scholarship: 1 recipient, $1,500

This scholarship, sponsored by Mr. Tong S. Suhr, Esq. is for a student who is planning a career in journalism with evidence of potential and community service.


Daniel D. Yun MD Medical Scholarship: 1 student, $1,500

This scholarship, sponsored by Daniel D. Yun MD, is for a student who is pursuing a medical career with evidence of academic excellence and dedication to healthcare.   


Jay Lee Social Service Scholarship: 1 recipient, $1,000

This scholarship, sponsored by Mr. Hi C. Chun is for a student who has participated in social service activities with evidence of community services and future potential.


Jeong H. Kweon Hope Scholarship2 students, $1,000 each

These scholarships, sponsored by Mrs. Jeong Hee Kweon, are for two students who are pursuing their academic career even in the midst of financial hardship without discouragement.


To apply, please submit the following:


  • Personal Statement (1)

Please indicate which scholarship you are applying for. You should apply for one category      only.  If you had applied for a Jaisohn Foundation Scholarship in the past, please also indicate when it was and whether or not you received an award.  Interviews will be conducted for finalists

  • Resume (1)
  • School Transcript (1)
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation (1 or more)
  • Essay (in English)
    (Title: “Who is Dr. Jaisohn to me” or “The significance of Dr. Jaisohn’s ideal to Korean Americans”) At the end of the essay, please add a brief statement on how you can contribute to and be involved in the activities of Jaisohn Foundation (max 100 words).
  • Documented evidence for financial need.


The winners of the scholarship are required to attend the scholarship awards ceremony to be held on September 9, 2017 at the Jaisohn Auditorium. And the winners’ families are encouraged to attend the ceremony.
Immediate family members of staff and Board directors of the Foundation are NOT eligible to apply.

Application Deadline: August 31, 2017

Please send your application materials to the address below via US mail:
Jaisohn Memorial Foundation
6705 Old York Road
Philadelphia, PA19126

Attn: Scholarship Committee


You can email us to

More information is on Jaisohn’s website,,

Phone inquiries; 215-224-2000, X-111, Email inquiries,, attn: Scholarship


2017년도 (제19회) 서재필기념재단 장학생 선발 공고


서재필기념재단은 2017년도(제19회) 대학생을 위한 소정의 장학금을 아래와 같이 수여하고자 하니 많이 응모하여 주시기 바랍니다.


2017년 9월 현재 대학(원) 혹은 이에 상응하는 과정에 재학중인 학생으로서장래가 촉망되나 경제적인 도움이 필요한 학생 (총 8개 분야 11명)


선발인원 및 장학금액

헬렌리 장학금 (Helen Lee Scholarship): 2명, 각 $2,000

   : 학비보조 등 경제적인 도움이 절실하게 필요한 학생

현봉학 기념 장학금 (Bong Hak Hyun Memorial Scholarship): 2명, 각 $1,500

   : 의학도나 의학관련 공부를 하며 잠재력, 열정 및 리더쉽을 보유한 학생

제인송 기념 장학금 (Jane Song Memorial Scholarship of Nursing): 1명, $2,000

   : 간호사를 준비하거나 환자간호와 관련된 분야에서 일할 학생

정학량 리더쉽 장학금 (H.R. Chung MD Leadership Scholarship): 1명, $1,500

   : 학생회, Varsity sports 및 지역봉사 활동 등에서 뛰어난 지도력을 보이는 학생

서태원 저널리즘 장학금 (Tae Won Suh Journalism Scholarship): 1명, $1,500

   : 저널리즘을 공부하는 학생으로서 지역 봉사활동을 열심이 하는 잠재력을 가진 학생

다니엘 윤 의학 장학금 (Daniel D. Yun MD Medical Scholarship): 1명, $1,500

   : 의료분야에의 진출을 꿈꾸며 학업성적이 우수하고 헌신적인 학생

재이 리 사회봉사 장학금 (Jay Lee Social Service Scholarship): 1명, $1,000

   : 사회복지활동에 참여하며 봉사 정신이 투철하고 잠재력을 가진 학생

권정희 희망 장학금 (Jeong H. Kweon Hope Scholarship): 2명, 각 $1,000

   : 경제적인 어려움에도 불구하고 굳은 의지로 학업에 매진하는 학생


지원 마감 (Deadline)2017년 8월 31일


장학금 수여식: 서재필기념재단 강당

     * 장학금 수여식 날짜: September 9, 2017

     * 시간 등 세부사항은 최종선발자에게 개별 통보 예정


신청 서류

  • 자기소개서 (Personal statement) 1부

               * 위의 장학금 종류 중 하나만을 선택하여 응모해야 하며, 과거에 재단 장학금을 지원한

                  사실이 있을 경우 그 연도와 선발여부를 기록하십시요.

    • 이력서 (Resume) 1부
    • 학교성적표 (Transcript) 1부
    • 추천서 (Recommendation letters) 1부 이상


  • 본인이 작성한 영문 Essay (in English) 1부

–  Title: “Who is Dr. Jaisohn to me”

             or “The significance of Dr. Jaisohn’s ideal to Korean Americans”

  • At the end of the essay, please add a brief statement on how you can contribute to and be involved in the activities of Jaisohn Foundation(100자 이내).
  • 경제적인 도움이 필요한 사실을 입증할 수 있는 서류 1부

Note:  *최종선발자에 한하여 interview를 실시합니다.

     *본 재단 직원 및 이사 등 관련인의 직계가족은 응모할 수 없습니다.


보낼 곳:  Philip Jaisohn Memorial Foundation

                 (Attn: Scholarship Committee)

                 6705 Old York Road

                 Philadelphia, PA 19126    

혹은 Email 주소로도 접수 가능합니다 :


문의할 곳 : 이메일, 혹은 전화 (215) 224-2000(Ext 111)

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